Take me to Tonga

Hey heyy

Oh my goodness!! What a week!! I think I've decided it's time for me to learn Tongan. Or Chinese. I've done a lot of interacting with both cultures this week maybe both!! 

So, Tuesday morning we dropped off sister Montgomery at the airport, just me and sister Christopherson now. Idk if I've mentioned this before, but me and sister christopherson took over the social media page for the VC. So go check it out. Our skills are improving slowly but surely😅. We also were over a "sharing testimonies through music" event this week!! At the VC. So we've been crazy busy, but it's so fun!!

So!! Have you ever seen the other side of heaven?? Well the real Elder Groberg came to our event!! What??? I was stressed. But it was really special because we asked him if he would share his testimony at the end of our event, and it was incredible. After he shared his testimony, some of the Tongan Elders got up and sang the First Noel and bore their testimonies as well. It was powerful to just see that first hand witness of how powerful the spirit is in testifying truth and how one person, centered on Christ, can make the biggest difference and have the greatest impact.

His testimony really touched my heart. He talked about how we are given so many talents and that we should use them and develop them and be grateful for them. But then he said that the greatest talent we could ever have and ever share is our testimony of our Savior and his gospel. We can do so much good, but we can't do any of it without Christ and everything points back to him. 

Berkeley is good! We're still struggling to find people to teach, multiple people told  me they worship the devil this week soooo faith to find!! and we had to drop one of our people on date this week ðŸ˜­ Transfers are also this week and I have no emotions or inkling about what's gonna happen. I'm either staying or leaving, and I'm good with either. I think I'd like to stay, Berkeley it has become kinda special to me in all its apostateness and craziness. If you want any crazy stories...email me! Hahaha 

Guys I cannot tell you how important it is to rely on the Savior. In the end, your trust and faith in him, are what's gonna make or break you. Soften your heart and put your hand in his!! He'll lead you where he needs you, and He'll hold you when it's hard. Oh my He loves you so much. 


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