Strike Week #10

Hey everyone! I decided to write an email! Yayyyyyy tonight we get transfer news so my mind is distracted cause who knows what's gonna happen! I'm pretty sure I'm staying in Berkeley but I'm sad our trio will probably split up:( but good thing we get to see each other at the visitors center all the time muahahaha 

This week was so good! Tatiana and Ivin are still going strong and our new friend Sammy is progressing... ish! Hahaha I love them they're so funny. We're teaching a few people but a lot of our focus has also shifted to reactivating inactive members. A lot of people here don't want to meet with the missionaries, but we're working to fix that. It's been really fun to put all of our talents together as a companionship. Hahahaha its the best guys and we've actually seen so many miracles from it, its crazy. For example, yesterday we went over to bishops house! (His wife is less active/hates missionaries) we died her sons hair BRIGHT pink (with permission of course), Sister Monte helped her cook and they found out they're related🤯 and then we sang carols with them and when we left SHE invited US back over!!! Y'all don't even know how big of a miracle that is!!

Guys I hate writing emails cause I always forget what to write about. Soooooo if I'm being honest I kinda hated Berkeley a few weeks ago because it was so dead and...annoying😶. I know, I'm ashamed such an unchristlike attitude. And I don't have similar opinions with the people here and it's just a crazy place. But this last week, I've really been reminded of how what we all have in common that we are all children under the same God. Now I don't really want to leave bezerekly cause somehow I've really come to love the people here and all their craziness. 

Speaking of, apparently the biggest strike in US University history is about to happen here so pray for us sisters living on frat row 😁😁 😎🥳😭😭😭🤮

This week was super rainy and foggy we literally couldn't see the temple from the visitors center it was spooooky. So also the VC is really slow on those days. When the VC is dead I've gotten in a habit of reading conference talks and taking notes on them while we're sitting there. I know I'm a true missionary cause literally it's become my guilty pleasure. Like spiritual candy I'm addicted. But here's a few I read this week that you should all read cause they were so good!!! 

We need an Endowment -Anthony Sweat (byu speech)
Keep an eternal perspective -Elder Jay E. Jensen
O ye that Embark -Henry B. Eyring

And lots more but those were my favs. If you read em hit me up and let me know what you thought! Or send me your favorite conference talks and I'll read em this week:)) also I finished the book of alma this week and I have a fat crush on moroni
Jk hahaha 

Have a good week everyone!! 
(you'll build muscles)


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