
Showing posts from January, 2023


  Heyy! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I sure did!  My week was full of the highs and lows hahaha this Christmas season has been CrAzY busy but so much fun!  It was a BIG WEEK.  Tatiana got baptized!!!!!!!! It was the best!!! I am so so so so happy for her!! It was a bit of a small gathering because all of the ysa is home for the holidays, but the spirit was so strong and her smile was so big and I just feel blessed to have gotten to witness her journey coming closer Christ. She has the most desire than anyone I know to just learn, and to do what is right.  Also our friend Chamisa from the ysa went through the temple!! Honestly I was stressing about this one more than the baptism cause homegirl was also stressed. But!! She did it!! She overcame her fears and trusted in the Lord  SO PROUD OF HER. She is so funny and sweet, we were waiting outside the temple for her, and when she came out she ran to me and was like "Sister Evans I did it!!!! When's the next session I

Take me to Tonga

Hey heyy Oh my goodness!! What a week!! I think I've decided it's time for me to learn Tongan. Or Chinese. I've done a lot of interacting with both cultures this week maybe both!!  So, Tuesday morning we dropped off sister Montgomery at the airport, just me and sister Christopherson now. Idk if I've mentioned this before, but me and sister christopherson took over the social media page for the VC. So go check it out. Our skills are improving slowly but surely . We also were over a "sharing testimonies through music" event this week!! At the VC. So we've been crazy busy, but it's so fun!! So!! Have you ever seen the other side of heaven?? Well the real Elder Groberg came to our event!! What??? I was stressed. But it was really special because we asked him if he would share his testimony at the end of our event, and it was incredible. After he shared his testimony, some of the Tongan Elders got up and sang the First Noel and bore their testimonies as wel